Monday, January 4, 2010

Tips for ICT Integrators

I will keep adding to this post as I get my hands on useful tips for Integrators.


Teacher Tech - Top 10 Tips for Integrators


Below is page taken from a blog that gives a well deserved 'bag out' on those teachers who critisize the world we're in and the benefits of technology.

Keep Up or Get Out of My Way

Apple Tech Resources

Here are some useful links relating to Apple.

1. The link below is directly from Apples teaching and learning Interchange which has online resources, podcasts, lessons and ideas for teachers using technology.

Apple Learning Interchange

2. Below is a link to a blog which discusses Apple and its role in education in the future. There is also a great video put together by a student on mobile learning.

Apple and the Future of Education.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The start of a new Journey - ICT Integrator

Well, its been about 18 months since my last post.

I have decided to kick start my blog again as I embark on my new role as ICT Support manager. I have always been a technology geek at heart and have intergated technology, where possible, in my teaching over the last 9 years. Now, since channelling my career into an ICT integration role I felt it would be fantastic to keep track of all I learn along the way.

I start the new role on the 12th of January 2010. The school where I will be working has changed from PC to Mac. They have opted for 15 laptops per year level. To get my head around macs, my role and how I can be of use to the the school, I have thrown myself up onto the WWW to search for any material that might be of use.

I have found some great podcasts, one of which is hosted by Chris Betcher who also happened to start out as an ICT Integrator a year ago, even though his interest in technology goes further back.

Thanks to these podcasts, I have been initiated into the twitter world. Wow, what a fantastic tool. Already I have been able to link up with similar people with far more experience than me. And, from these people I can follow their links and blogs, which has so far given me a huge amount of information.

So, to repay some of the other fantastic blogs out there for all the valuable resources I have obtained from them, I will endeavour to keep this blog up to date, with all I learn on my journey to help people similar to me down the track.